Monday, April 28, 2008

Movin' on up.

Possibility that i might be moving in with my co-worker turned kick ass friend :). i just hope i dont regret leaving home. but....gotta do it sometime....the earlier the better. more time to learn and make better decisions. right?.....:/

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Who me?

Im engaged.

well....thats that.

Friday, April 11, 2008


i wish i cold feel like i was everywhere and nowhere all at once.

ultimately going back to a world of forms, no attachments to anything....sounds really good right now.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Where will you be?

its been too long
so much has happened.

I work too much....i think all the help i get financialy might be coming to an end with me making this much money (8 an hour paychecks are miserable....but not miserable enough for the government i guess)


fuck the government...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Cafe much?

so its been officially a week since ive been working at Barnes and Noble. Its not too shabby. i like working with all the people there, theyre really chill and easy going. sumtimes i zone when theyre trying to teach me shit but, i figure it out later on anyways so thats not so bad either. i still have to look at the sheet for a few drinks but other than that i think im set. i just need to get working on being efficient and master the art of Multi-tasking lol.

i got my first paycheck and everything and apparantly it was supposed to be a big deal but i guess no one remembered to give a shit. but its normal. im used to that ;). sumtimes its a good thing and sumtimes.....i could care less.

oohhh i have work in the morning too. im out.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I feel like a revitalized person. I havent been home in god knows how long. ive been at the aunts house for quite some time. Life seems adequate. i guess if it werent for mental breakdowns the euphoric points in life wouldnt be so....well....euphoric.

There was this piece of skin that was cut off on the side of my thumb. i decided to peel it off and its been stinging for days.

I wish there was something more to life sometimes. I know there is. but i wish there was something more to my life.

I keep dreaming of places high up where the clouds seem like cottonballs that could be held in the palm of my hand. I wander for a while then i plummet. Plunging down through the mackeral sky. Falling to nothing but water and a pebbly shore. The waves grow and grow and the eventually consume me whole along with the enitre waterfront. Falling through a beautiful sky. Swallowed by the uncharted sea. Wonder what all these dreams mean in the end

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I cant help but look at this picture and hope to dream about this place when i fall asleep, because it seems as if this place can only be found on that plane of existance. The picture has this neverending quality of it where the sky and land meet but go on forever into the distance even though they seem so different. So much to say. so little time.

I hope to visit this place soon.